I passionately believe that there are always opportunities out there for us to better ourselves and grow. We can learn so much from those that have taken bold steps in their lives to make beneficial changes. It doesn’t matter if that’s a massive lifestyle change for improved wellbeing or sustainability or just a quick product recommendation. I am learning so much from online courses, such as the Juicemaster Study Course and programmes with the Centre of Excellence. But, I get just as much out of hearing from new producers in the world of natural products.
I’m not out here trying to transform into some enlightened guru preaching about off-grid living and 100% self-sustainability. I know first-hand that finding a new eco-friendly brand of skincare or a substitute for single-use plastic is enough to spark an OMG moment. Every change we make, however small, adds up to something much more significant. The more people that learn from that change and get on board, the greater the snowball effect.
That is where you all come in.
Of course, I couldn’t just keep all this helpful information to myself. I want to pay things forward and give you all the chance to learn and make positive changes in your own lives. If you have ever tried a new natural shampoo that your hair loved or found the perfect addition to a new room design, you know the urge to broadcast it to other like-minded people. That’s what I’m doing here. This is my little broadcast tower, and you are my audience.
So, that is the main aim of this site. I want to pass things forward on what I know is an ongoing journey of discovery. There are so many areas of my life where I feel I can provide guidance and inspiration. Gardening for produce and nature is a big passion, and you will find lots to inspire you on that. I also have a strong interest in bringing natural elements and designs to home decor. It is all about creating the perfect relaxing space that makes us feel good and expresses gratitude to the natural world. There will also be product recommendations and more.

If the world is to become as green, sustainable, and enjoyable as it should be, we need to celebrate our discoveries and encourage each other to improve and thrive. Hopefully, when you read my guides, you find yourself doing just that. Maybe you will even continue the chain and pass it along to someone else.

I invite you to also follow me on Facebook and Twitter and hope that you continue to enjoy my posts.